Wednesday, September 18, 2013

con te partiro

Assalamualaikum..thanks a lot teech for everything and thanks to all my classmates..time to say good bye to BOTAK and are too nice and sporting with us..maybe this is my last update in this blog..and maybe i never open this blog after this but if i miss u i will open this blog to remember all our memories in this semester 2013...last but not least good bye and may Allah bless you and hope you will teach us next semester( i hope not)..hehehe
Assalamualaikum ^_^

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

con te partiros

say hello to goodbye
inhale the goodshit and exhale the bullshit. so here it goes
throwback from the first class, i came late and had to stand in front. at that point, i straight away knew i wasnt going to like this class very much. comparing our class to the other classes, i didint know our bel was totally different, with all the paperworks, redo, posters, quizzes, blog.
day 1 till day whatever day is the last day, we clearly dont see eye to eye. but it dont matter as long as i am learning. all i can say is this sem's bel is different.
when its all said and done and when we're all are going to graduate, our eyes will stare and gaze to the open and thank Allah and deep in that stare, your annoying face will somehow be remembered (in a funny way).
so, deepest apology for my mistakes throughout this semester. sorry for my wrong doings and as well, from the bottom of my heart i would like to thank you.
all i can say is, i wish you nothing but the best for years to come.
Sorry and Thank You.


Thank you for those who taught me.
Thank you for those who read my entry.
Thank you for those who helped me.
Thank you for those who supported me.
Thank you for those who bahan-ing me.
Thank you for every single thing.
Thank you, Teech ! yemboiiiii
Goodbye Teech's punishment.
Goodbye grammar jail.
Goodbye BEL311's discussion group.
Goodbye essay poster.
Goodbye weblog group.
Goodbye Troublemakers.
Goodbye Teech, Mr. Airil Haimi b. Mohd Adnan !! *falling tears



Assalamualaikum Teech and all my friends  :)

this evening Teech ask us to post what is con te partiro means..that is time to say goodbye!!!for who???to our beloved Teech,,I would like to say thank give us a lot of experiences and always support us when we needs you..I hope you never forget our memories and still recognize us until you die :) our final is coming soon,Teech..please pray for our success now and also in future..thanks!!!and goodbye!!may ALLAH bless us...wassalam :)

yana akhir


Assalamualaikum teech and all my fellow bloggers (:

This entry would be my last entry since there is no much time left for this semester.  It is time to say goodbye to all of you.  Till we meet again next semester and as for teech, SAYONARA!  Thanks for all the lesson that you have taught us throughout this semester, InsyaAllah I will use it until my last semester if it is necessary (: I hope you will give me a good grade for BEL311 okay hehe! For other bloggers, thanks for reading my entry (for those who read) and good luck for your finals! xoxo 

The upper part of this entry was written last night but now i'm updating my post after reading other people's posts.  I don't feel great because my entry was too short haha so i'm updating just to make myself feel a little happy (: so as I was reading other's weblog posts, I felt like crying but maybe my ego was too high to let my eye sheds any tears haha! there were a lot of posts telling how great you are, how handsome you are, how intelligent and successful you are but for me, teech, you are just a BEL311 lecturer that just got back from overseas and took over our class by bullying us with a lot of assignments and your annoyance sometimes make me feel like cursing you haha sorry ): what I didn't realize is that you're doing all that for our own good and the best part is you are doing something that other lecturers will not be doing. Unfortunately, I cannot realize how great you are before this and I'm sorry for all that.  So from now on, even though you're not going to teach us anymore, I will going to remember and cherish every moment that we have together.  You will always be our TEECH forever and ever and ever and AAC1103B will never ever forget you.  THANKS MR AIRIL HAIMI MOHD ADNAN (:

Sakinah Nasir (:

Sunday, September 8, 2013

entry 4-live to give,not to receive


“Live to give, not to receive”. This word is from Pak Harfan. What he means is we have to help each other in many situations. For example, Pak Harfan always supports Miss Muslimah to give a lesson for the students. At that school they only have two teachers including Pak Harfan whether he is also the headmaster to the school. After that, although Pak Harfan does not afford to give the salary a few months to Miss Muslimah and Bakri, they do not angry and continue teaching the students patiently. Through this attitude, we also get the reward which called 'pahala'. :) (102 words)

p/s: sorry Teech, I do not have an idea huhuhuhu :(

-yana akhir-

entry 3-differences between the school

Assalamualaikum wbt..this entry about rainbow soldiers again :(

Why SD Muhammadiyah is better?? For me, I think SD Muhammadiyah is better than the other SD because at that school, they learn how to respect each other. This is because whether they are lack in study, they try to help each other and from that they become closed. Even though they do not have many materials to study, but with their teacher’s help, Miss Muslimah, they can learn like other students. The students also have different talents, for example, Mahar can sing, Lintang goods in Mathematics which Mahar have an idea to create an extraordinary show at the competition. Then, they also learn religious lesson there which can help to improve their knowledge. Lastly, they are able to go to school whether they do not have school uniform :)

-129 words-

-yana akhir-